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Sunday, 26 February 2012

Skate Trailer

Our trailer went to The Fly Fishing Film Tour (F3T) and all it brought us back was this rotten T-shirt.  Well okay, not totally true, it actually brought us back a very nice bottle of bourbon (collectors quality really) and a pretty sweet hat.  Thanks for that F3T.  The part that was true was that my edits were unsuccessful in making both the F3T and the International Fly Fishing Film Festival (IF4) cuts.

Here’s the trailer for Skate--Fly Fishing Fantasies’ unsuccessful entry into the 2012 F3T.  What do you think is missing?  If you’ve ever attended either of the festivals and have some insight into the type of videos that make it in or the type of fishing you’d like to see make it in, please share your thoughts in the comment box on Vimeo or in the comment link on my blog at  Much appreciated for any constructive criticism you have.  I’m hoping to make improvements and make the grade in the future.  

Fly Fishing Fantasies' 62 minute January 2012 dry fly steelheading DVD release, Paid in Full, can be purchased now at or your local fly shop.  If they don't have it, ask them to get it or get it direct through us.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Livingstone Montana Trout--DeYoung Edition

I've seen the DeYoung series water bottles that Simms has produced.  This mini documentary on Derek, his fly fishing and his art proved quite interesting to me.  See what you think.  There are many beautiful trout in this piece including some stunning browns.  I just love heavily spotted fish, be they cutts, bows or browns.

New Zealand Trout--Southern Rivers Edition

Kiwi guiding advertisement with some very sweet fishing and trout.

Kokish River Power Project Approved?

Corporate Greed
Once again, some of the world's most beautiful ecotourism opportunities are about to be wiped out by hydro power--big corporate business squeezing the land for dollars and leaving the rotting pulp behind.  Shameful!

Speak for the Kokish Now
Speak up for Chilean Patagonia and speak up for Vancouver Island's Kokish River.  Speak out against run of river hydroelectricity.  What's being touted as "green" power is sure to nearly or fully wipe out great runs of steelhead and salmon in the Kokish.  How can you draw more than half of the Kokish's water from 9 of its 11 kilometres below Bonanza Lake and not adversely affect the river's ecosystem?  You can't!

What Incredibly Beautiful Transmission Lines
In my opinion, a lucrative commercial fishing industry for wild salmon would still exist and the sport fishing industry would be a much bigger cash cow if habitat were properly protected and rehabilitated.  Ecotourism in many forms could be reaping far greater profits.  Last I checked many of the Germans, Japanese, Dutch, etc that come to the west coast of Canada weren't coming to see the transmission lines, they were coming to see the whales, the mountains,....

Tomorrow's too late!
The Kokish River could have only days left until it's power project proposal is given the stamp of APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL from The Department of Fisheries and Oceans.  I'm told this decision is likely to come down within a week or so.  Stock assessments on the Kokish show that from 1968 to 1996 the mean annual steelhead catch was 220.  From 1997-2001 this number had dropped to only 66.  Is there something horribly wrong with a trend that has already reduced the run to 30% of what it was?  And let's not kid ourselves, a 1968-1996 average is not this river's historical abundance either.  Can this river afford to have a hydro project thrown into the mix?

Do Things Differently
The Kokish is only one of many BC steelhead, salmon, trout, bear, eagle, otter,...producing rivers that are in decline.  We, humans, are the problem.  Habitat destruction is the problem.  If we hope to be the solution, we need to do things differently.  The Kokish River is a good starting place.  On a more global scale, run of river hydro as a future power source needs to go.  At the very least it needs to go on all anadromous fish bearing streams.  When there are rivers that have 2% of their historic numbers or even 0% of their historic numbers, you're well past critical levels.  BC rivers need your help--your voice.  BC rivers need run of river hydroelectric to be scrapped.  Maybe DFO can be an ally, not an enemy.  Speak up.  If your voices are heard, maybe they'll feel they have the backing of the people in turning down the Kokish River proposal.  Maybe your choice of words are the words that make it clear to DFO that it's time to can run of river instead of canning the ghost runs of fish we already see on many of our rivers.

Here's the conservation message that got me started on this rant.

Here's the type of fishing and scenery you might see or might have seen on a river like the Kokish.  Irreplaceable!

Patagonia--Trout Rivers/Catch Basin?

Patagonia.  Incredibly scenic!

I don't speak the language of this video's creator, but I think I get the gist.  Hydro power trumps ecotourism and the environment in general.  Again.

How is it that a region of the world known as one of the windiest places on earth chooses hydropower over wind turbines?  Am I not that informed on wind turbines or is this just about big bucks?

Closer to home for me, I hear the Department of Fisheries and Oceans is about to release their decision on Vancouver Island, British Columbia's Kokish River hydro project.  To wipe out runs of steelhead and salmon that feed the whale's that whale watching boats depend on, bears that many also pay to see, etc, is an absolute shame.  These runs also support guided fishing trips and many locals spending their hard earned dollars on fishing gear, lodging, etc.

Get in your last yell for the Kokish before it's too late.  That means today!

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Brook Trout--Labrador Edition

Minipi Camps looks to have some brookie fishing on the large end of the scale.  On a sadder note Michael Jackson would have been disappointed to see that his landing gloves didn't do the trick at 4:40.  Or maybe we can call it operator error.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

BC Steelhead--Dry Fly Edition

Check out Vimeo in 90 minutes for our latest video piece highlighting some great dry fly steelies working over the smooth yet loud drag system of an Islander LX 4.0.  I have a feeling you're gonna like it.

Winter Steelhead

This is a great little film about winter steelheading.  Captures the beauty in and solitude and sheer difficulty of pursuing and taking a steelie.

Mo Alberta Browns

Check out the brownie at 5:30.  Large.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Big Alberta Browns

Wicked dry fly action and even watching the fish feed prior to the strike.  Add some big browns and you've got a sweet video.

Dam It!--Big Bad Brown Trout Edition

Not sure if these puddles are beaver dams like many I fished in my youth but beaver dam fishing can be sweeeet.  Nice big brownies to boot.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Montana Trout--The River's Edge Edition

Although this is a promo for a fly shop in Montana there are some beautiful trout shown, especially the big brownie at the 50 second mark.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

New Zealand Trout--Oogling Edition

Not much catching in this piece and it's in a language I don't speak.  But I do speak the international fly fishing language of clear water sight fishing.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Learn to Skate Dries for Big Steelhead in Time for Spring

Fly Fishing Fantasies' dry fly steelheading video, Paid in Full, released in late January 2012.  I'm finally getting a chance to let y'all know how to get your hands on a copy.

The piece-de-resistance of this video has to be Skate U--a dry fly steelheading tutorial featuring a whole wack of great dry fly attacks while it teaches you the key points to take a steelhead on the dry.  The introduction is incredibly sweet as well featuring a few of our biggest steelhead smacking dries and plenty of great scenery.  The video also includes the dream day where double digit steelhead are hooked, a slideshow of memorable steelies, some funny outtakes, and a very important conservation segment.

Here's the DVD jacket:

You can order your personal copy through or purchase at your local fly shop.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Monday, 6 February 2012

Snake River Idaho Trout Fishing

Sign me up for a little time at the South Fork Lodge.  Looks like livin's easy, the food's awesome and the trout are big and plentiful.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Jurassic Lake Rainbows Argentina

Loved this piece!  The close-ups on the rainbows taking a run at surface patterns is a major highlight for me.  The wind and cold appear to be drawbacks in this area but the fishing looks like it more than makes up for it.